Church of the Chagas Convent in Lamego

Church of the Chagas Convent in Lamego
Founded by order of D. António Teles de Menezes, Bishop of Lamego, the Chagas Convent began with a group of seven Poor Clares from the Convent of Madre de Deus de Monchique in Porto, all sisters of the Bishop. The convent was built next...
Founded by order of D. António Teles de Menezes, Bishop of Lamego, the Chagas Convent began with a group of seven Poor Clares from the Convent of Madre de Deus de Monchique in Porto, all sisters of the Bishop. The convent was built next to the Chapel of São Sebastião. The construction of the convent was a response to the needs of the nobility of Lamego who demanded that a convent be founded where they could place their daughters. Nowadays, the Chagas Church is used by the Misericódia of Lamego, after a fire in 1911 destroyed the old temple of this sisterhood, which was founded in 1519.
Closed from Monday to Friday
09:00 to 13:00 - 14:00 to 18:00
09:00 to 13:00 - 14:00 to 17:00
Igreja do Mosteiro das Chagas - Almacave
5100 Lamego
+351 254 612057
+351 932 845899