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Quinta do Paço Hotel
Quinta do Paço is an 18th century Manor​...
Casa dos Pinguéis​...
Casa dos Pinguéis has 3 en-suite bedrooms​...
Villa Oliveira
Villa Oliveira provides the typical accommodation​...
Casa dos Varais
Situated in the heart of the Port Wine​...
Quinta das Brôlhas​...
Quinta das Brôlhas located in Valdigem​...
Hotel Vila Galé Douro
It is in the first demarcated region​...
Quinta da Pitarrela
Quinta da Pitarrela, just 3 kms from​...
Casa Nª Sra. do Carmo
The Casa Nª Sra. do Carmo takes its name​...
Casa de Cambres
The Casa de Cambres is an historic house​...